Gravity Theory Cream || Gravity Theory Cream Anti-Aging Facial Therapy

gravity theory cream ago I had a vitamin C serum so vitamin C serum has been the last thing that I've added to my routine being in April and my other you know and then Christmas I can ask for money or gift cards to be able to purchase my products too so that is very helpful to do that but you know I I want to invest in the more from SkinCeuticals but I do I do feel like this one is extremely important I noticed a big difference in my skin when I don't use the skin circles brand and it is expensive I hate it but it's just like liquid gold to me okay that's in the morning I use after I wash my face to dry I do the bottom and C serum hopefully from SkinCeuticals then I follow with Obagi nu-derm xform this has a mild acid in it it's phytic acid and i cannot use any other acids with using retin-a i seen people that were able to use glycolic acid I use glycolic acid my body I cannot use it on my face or any other kind of acid except the one that's in here it's a very mild acid but this is the only acid that my skin has been able to tolerate and I you can buy this online another thing I have to mention you have to be really careful about buying approved Obagi products if you're just starting out on a bhaji I would go to a doctor approved seller of a body first before I started trying to buy anything in line you just never know what you're going to get online and what can be replaced so be careful with that you know you might want to but my go for a good quality approved product it might be worth the rest extra money to get what you you know I guess sometimes you get what you 

gravity theory cream sides effects pay for so that is my morning the vitamin C serum and the expo by G New Durham X pattern and I follow it with bhaji sunshield Matt I love this Sun shield I have tried tons and tons on my body I use whatever drugstore this I use on my face and my neck only so it lasts me a really really long time it'll last me through the summer ice me through the winter it's very matte it's very X almost as a primer it really holds your makeup on I really like it a lot it doesn't interfere with my skincare and it doesn't interfere with my makeup I just I like it a whole lot it's by Obagi so really in the morning just three steps after I wash vitamin C serum and then the exposome the mild acid and then the sunscreen so those are the three steps in the morning and at night time only one step I wash my face again dried off well let it sit for maybe a minute kind of fan it off get the other moisture off and I will take my tretinoin cream right now I bought this from a dermatologist so it is made by Obagi a lot of times I will just have the doctor call it into the drugstore and I get a generic kind of it I know some people by the online I don't know how good that is I have no I know I know feeling about it I just like to get mine either from the drugstore where they call it it as a prescription I like to get mine as a prescription under a doctor's care that's just me and everybody you know has to do what's best for them so so I take a pea size of it and I mix it with


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